Main Task: Opening Sequence 'The Witness'

Final Task: Opening Sequence 'The Witness'

Preliminary Task 'Gone Fishin'

Preliminart Task: Continuity Short 'Gone Fishin'

Saturday 2 April 2011

Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups

The main characters within our product have quite obscure backgrounds and portray an acute social group. However as a whole modern, British, teen culture does play a role within our film we could argue that we are representing a portion of teenagers. This social group is represented in a gritty, realistic fashion without glamouring up the lifestyle. This is similar to the social group shown in the films Adulthood and Kidulthood. 

We represent this social group through costume and props, for example we have a spliff being smoked which immediately and quite obviously shows that our characters are drug users, this is shown in a lesser extent in the main characters clothing which is branded Adidas jogging bottoms and a jacket, this suggests he is working class and not particularly well off.

In certain aspects I believe our casting was not particularly representative of the social group we were aiming to present. In my opinion our actors didn't look the part for who we were trying to represent and looked to staged and unnatural.

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