Main Task: Opening Sequence 'The Witness'

Final Task: Opening Sequence 'The Witness'

Preliminary Task 'Gone Fishin'

Preliminart Task: Continuity Short 'Gone Fishin'

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Since the preliminary I feel I have progressed an enormous amount in terms of both knowledge and practical ability. I know how to edit to a strong quality and have learnt a lot about continuity through editing and then finding out we have to have another re-shoot.

In terms of shot quality I have learnt about the importance of tight framing and creating focus on certain things to create enigma or to tell a story. The most important skill Ive learnt since the preliminary task was the importance and application of different continuity theories. These include the 180 and 30 degree rule and match-on-action shots which we enjoyed using in our editing sessions. Correct application of these rules assured that our sequence made sense and aided in immersing the audience into the film through seamless action.

As well as practical skills I also learnt alot about organisation, such as filling out shot logs to make for simplar editing sessions, which also aided our time management meaning that in the week of the deadline we were less stressed than usual as we were confident we would finish our project on time.

Within the editing process we found, as a group, it was neccersary to have our own timeline each so that we could play about with the editing software and start to learn our way around the footage without causing any damage to the files or changing something we probably shouldnt.

Working as a group was often annoying as we were all in conflict over how we wanted to shoot and edit our piece. However, as we spent alot longer together than we did in the preliminary task we began to spot trends in how eachother edited and got things done. This was beneficial as it meant our group finally began to agree on things and we could play to eachothers strengths whilst also nurturing our weaknesses.

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