Main Task: Opening Sequence 'The Witness'

Final Task: Opening Sequence 'The Witness'

Preliminary Task 'Gone Fishin'

Preliminart Task: Continuity Short 'Gone Fishin'

Sunday 19 September 2010

Film Still Analysis (BLK Homework)

1. Describe your shot and identify in what way it could be described as representing your chosen genre?

My shot is an MCU of a white males foot chained to a weight. The subject is shown to be struggling with the chain as though trying to remove it from his ankle. My shot is intended to be from a horror/thriller genre and with a sub-genre of a slasher horror. This is shown by the lighting, the shot is dark and the camera has been put into NV (night vision) mode. The subjects hands are also blurred as though he is frantically trying to remove the weight possibly insinuating that he is in immediate danger with a murderer slowly approaching him.

2. What did you actually do to achieve the effect?

Firstly we changed the cameras mode to NV (night vision) and told our actor to constantly pretend to struggle with the chain to make sure that we could achieve a natural looking shot. We also decided to not include any other feature of the character apart from his foot as to portray a sense of urgency and that he is focusing only on removing the weight. We also placed our shot in the corner of a room, however this is not too clear, yet we did this as to show that the character is trapped.

3. Identify what is successful about your shot
I believe the shot is successful as it portrays its genre well and we are given a sense of urgency with the motion blur on the actors hands. It is also well taken and tightly framed creating a professional look and feel to the still.

4. What would you do differently in hindsight?

In hindsight I believe I would change the location of where the shot was taken as at the moment the flooring appears to be out of place with the rest of the shot. If I were to re-shoot I would choose to set it somewhere more dark and damp, possibly in a cellar or attic as to keep with the horror genre conventions. I would also change the weight to one a lot bigger and more stereotypical prison ball and chain, as at the moment it appears to be more of a doorstop than a serious issue for the victim.

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